In Memoriam: Lori Zabar (1955-2022)
December 1, 2022
By Lisa Ackerman
Note: This supplements our initial note in the Spring/Summer 2022 issue. I do not remember where or when I met Lori Zabar, but I remember vividly many conversations with her, meals at the Century Association, and shared time at preservation events across New York City. One conversation, in particular, will always be a lasting tribute to Lori’s passion, knowledge, and good nature. We were having lunch at the Century when she was in the early days of writing her book on Zabar’s. I was riveted and could have listened to Lori for hours. And what struck me most about that lunch was that she was able to take a monumental story and make it so accessible. Zabar’s is an icon. As Lori described her research and why she wanted to tell Zabar’s story, you could see the history of the city, immigration, and the food industry unfolding in magical ways.
Many have stronger and deeper ties to Lori than I do. Yet I feel so fortunate to have known her and spent time together. Whether it was at large events or more intimate gatherings, I can say it was always a pleasure to be in her presence. She left an indelible mark on the city she loved.
Lisa Ackerman is the Chair of the Archive Project.