Stories from Cities Across the Nation: Charleston, South Carolina
October 7, 2020
Introducing the Archive Project’s New Series
PRESERVATION ORIGINS:Stories from Cities Across the Nation
This new series looks at the story of how preservation movements arose in various American cities and how those histories compare and contrast with New York City’s experience. We’ll also take a brief look at how preservation stands in those cities today. It’s all part of an effort to better understand the history of preservation here in NYC; sometimes looking outward can provide unique insights at home.
Join us for our first program in the series:
Preservation Origins: Stories from Cities Across the Nation Charleston, South Carolina
October 7, 20203:30 – 4:45 pm (Coffee Break Chat format)
On Zoom Meeting ID: 875 5980 6719 Passcode: 368176
Direct Link:
Join us as Jonathan H. Poston presents on the development of a preservation ethic and its subsequent practice in Charleston, South Carolina. Mr. Poston brings a wealth of experience to bear, having authored The Buildings of Charleston: A Guide to the City’s Architecture and taught a graduate school course at Clemson and the College of Charleston, “Society and Culture of Charleston and its Preservation Philosophy.” New York City’s own Albert Bard looked to Charleston in the 1950s as a possible model for what eventually became the NYC Landmarks Law, ultimately deciding it was not the template needed. William Cook, Vice Chair of the Archive Project and a past board member of the Preservation Society of Charleston, will moderate this virtual event.
Following Mr. Poston’s presentation, we will be joined by both Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill, Chair of the Preservation Society of Charleston, and Zoë Stephens, Vice Chair of the Historic Charleston Foundation, for a sense of the contemporary historic preservation landscape in Charleston, as well as insights into the roles these organizations have played over the decades.
**Primer for the event: The Archive Project’s Preservation Database entry on The Old and Historic Charleston District.