Bard Birthday Breakfast Benefit 2004
December 15, 2004
8:30 AM
Vine Restaurant
The first annual Bard Birthday Breakfast Benefit kicked off the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of New York City’s Landmarks Law. The Benefit, held at Vine Restaurant, located at 25 Broad Street (the location of Albert Bard’s law office for over 50 years) in New York City, marked the 40th anniversary of the 1964 December City Council hearing on the then-proposed New York City Landmarks Law which was signed on April 19, 1965.
The program, “Beyond Bard: Aesthetics and the Public Good in the 21st Century,” featured Ron Fleming, founder and president of the Townscape Institute, a not-for-profit organization that works to improve the legibility and the livability of cities, towns, and neighborhoods. Mr. Fleming is the co-author of The Power of Place: Towards an Ethic for the Built Environment, nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in 1982. For over half a century, Bard was a leading national advocate for City Beautiful concerns ranging from billboard control to zoning as well as being the drafter of the NYS authorizing legislation for the Landmarks Law. Mr. Fleming discussed current and future aesthetic issues such as sign regulation, scenic views, and today’s City Beautiful concerns. The event promises to be exciting and informative, celebrating the past and looking into the future.
Vine Restaurant
25 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
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