Support Us

Help us preserve preservation’s past!
We are a not-for-profit organization and we depend on support from you to continue our work. Please consider a contribution to safeguard the story of New York City’s historic preservation movement. With your support, the Archive Project can capture more preservation stories through oral histories. We can plan more public programs highlighting and documenting preservation’s history. We can focus energy on building our online educational resources. And we can continue to remind New Yorkers that our beloved landmarks and historic districts survive today not by accident but because generations of concerned preservationists fought to secure their future.
Chair's Circle & Stewardship Society

The Stewardship Society consists of our most devoted benefactors who annually contribute $500 or more. Our Stewards are honored with a series of unique tours of archival treasures at collections throughout New York City.
Read More and Become a Steward >Columns Club

The Columns Club consists of supporters ages 21-40 who donate $75 or more annually and are invited to special tours of historic places, archives, and exhibitions.
Read More and Join the Club >Work With Us
Learn about opportunities to get involved and support the Archive Project with your time, skills, and knowledge through volunteering and internships.
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